Luke Wagner

Hello, my name is Luke Wagner, and I currently serve as an elder at Community Church. As elders, we discuss significant spiritual and organizational matters, including discipleship and other overarching themes within the church. Our role is to provide guidance on these issues, often based on Pastor Mike’s vision, and ensure that the staff or relevant teams handle the implementation.

Being an elder is a unique opportunity for me to serve the church in a capacity that aligns with my journey. After stepping out of a college and career ministry role, I wasn't sure where I would fit next. This role allows me to continue contributing to our community in a meaningful way, even if it's different from my previous part-time ministry work.

On a personal note, I'm happily married to Lauren, and we have a delightful two-year-old daughter named Mabel. We've lived in Ohio all our lives. We've been part of Community Church for about four years, finding a home here after I stepped down from pastoring.

My passion, or God's calling for me at this moment, is to grow as a husband and father. Navigating the challenges of parenthood with a young child and balancing that with my relationship with Lauren is a big part of my life right now. Additionally, as an elder, I aim to be a vocal participant in our decision-making processes, offering my perspectives despite being one of the younger members of the group.

Outside of church and family life, I'm deeply interested in web development. I enjoy working on projects like The Odin Project to improve my coding skills. I also find enjoyment in house projects, whether it’s reseeding the yard or running electrical wiring in the basement. These activities blend work and hobby for me.

Lastly, I’d like to recommend a few resources that have been helpful to me. For a great sci-fi read, check out "Hail Mary" by Andy Weir. In terms of church leadership, the book "Simple Church" has been very influential for me. It focuses on doing a few things well within the church context. And for everyday life, you can learn a lot from simply Googling how to do things. It’s amazing how much you can teach yourself with a bit of curiosity and the internet.

I look forward to continuing to serve and grow with you all at Community Church.

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